We have great news for those who are users of Jobserve. A Leading platform Job Seekers website for Candidates and Employers 

Wisestep now integrates deeply with Jobserve for Candidate Search. 

So What do you need to get started with Jobserve on Wisestep?

Well, you will need a Jobserve Candide Search account with credits for CV Views. 

How do I  configure my Jobserve Employer account on Wisestep

To start this step, you need to have a Jobserve Candidate Search Account.

i) Speak to the Jobserve Account manager about your Integration and request credentials for setting up an Integrated search with Wisestep. These are different from the credentials you use to log in and search CVs on the Jobserve website. This is a common process across most JOb boards and Candidate Databases

ii) Jobserve will require you to sign a form and agree on some terms with them 

iii) The account number necessary to integrate is mentioned in the Terms Document. The Access code will be shared separately once the signed agreement is shared with them 

iv)  Now go to the Wisestep Workspace, and add the Account Number and Access code in the Wisestep platform using the following Path 

This is to be set up from the Workspace Administrators Login 

Top Menu>> Right-hand Corner >Workspace admin settings->Native search settings-> Select Jobserve and add the shared Account Number and Access code

Click Save and, the account will be added to Wisestep

If you face any issues, please contact us on support@wisestepmail.com 

Benefits of Integrating Dice with Wisestep

  • All Viewed CVs are Automatically Downloaded :  All CVs that you view on Jobserve are automatically downloaded to your Wisestep Talent Pool and available for Search later. So you view the CV once and use it many times for Many jobs. Helping you save money on CV Views. 

  • One Login, Multiple Users: You can share your Job board Login with your Colleagues and all of you can Source CVs Together helping you service jobs faster and improving productivity and Revenue. 

  • Manage your CV Dice Views with Daily Quota: You can allocate a quota of views to each user and manage your usage daily. If some team members want to see the earlier CVs they can be easily found in the Wisestep Talent Pool 

  • Candidate Conversations can be created right on the Candidate profile page giving you visibility on the action taken on the candidate after the profile was viewed.