Using Twilio Connect you can configure your Twilio account and send SMSs to candidates from your Wisestep account.
Connect Your Twilio Account
Login to your Wisestep Workspace > go to App Settings > Communication Accounts > Twilio. Add your Twilio Account SID, Auth Token and Save.
To get your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token, follow the steps below
- Login to your Twilio account
- If you have more than one projects, choose the project which has SMS access
- On the project home page Account SID and Auth Token are mentioned in Project Info card(looks like the screenshot below). Copy paste this data into your Wisestep Account.
Once configured, all your Twilio phone numbers are listed in your Wisestep account which can be assigned to individual users in your workspace. Each phone number can be assigned to one user(along with workspace owner). Owner will have access to all the numbers.
To receive messages, you need to configure webhook for each number.
Configure Inbound Messages(via webhook) in 5 simple steps
Follow the steps below to configure inbound messages.
- Login to your Twilio account > Open Project
- Go to Develop tab > Phone Numbers > Manage > Active Numbers
- Open the number you are looking to configure for inbound messages
- Go to Messaging section of the page
- Replace "A Message Comes In" > Webhook with the URL below and save
To prevent spamming, we have enforced some limitations to the SMSs sending process
- You are allowed to send only one SMS from your workspace(all users) per day. If candidate replies to a number, you can send any number of messages from that number for 48 hours.
- You(and your workspace users) will not be able to send SMSs to the candidates who have unsubscribed
Known Issues
- Phone numbers purchased after connecting your twilio account are not reflected automatically. You will need to deleter and reconfigure your account (Should be able to fix it by 15th Oct)
- Inbound message notifications don't come(should be able to fix it by 15th Oct)